Tuesday, October 4, 2016

When you hit highschool you hit reality...

              Wow! I can't believe it's been a month of high school already. It all happened so fast. I think highschool is a place where you realize a lot of things are going to change. You realize that the friends you have are not always going to be friends with you. You find out that the people you least expect the most is at a party drinking and doing drugs. It's whole new world! When are in shock because you didn't know that all these things happen. People get into the wrong influences and change, but there are always those friends who stick with you no matter what.
                A little someone told me once that "It's best to have one friend to stick with then a bunch of friends who are fake to you."
                Let's think positive! Highschool isn't what I expected. I can tell you if you are in middle school you'll love highschool. You have more freedom. In middle school you weren't allowed to have phones during classes and they treat like a little kid. In highschool you can do whatever you wanted as long it was appropriate. You gain more responsibility. Academics are not as bad as I thought. As long as you don't get into the habit of procrastination then you'll be fine and I know it's hard I procrastinated a lot in middle school. I'm glad I stopped that habit. High school is literally a whole new to world to experience but it's okay because you learn about a lot of things about it. Things that you'll never regret.

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